2023 America the Beautiful Challenge Grant – Multi-state Grant Coordination Opportunity


The MLI is helping connect states that want to develop collaborative, landscape-scale conservation proposals for the 2023 America the Beautiful Challenge grant. We’re looking for projects that would benefit from intergovernmental collaboration and that align with MAFWA’s three priority areas: 1) functional, connected grassland systems; 2) health and function of aquatic systems; and 3) improved, interconnected and dynamic woodlands.  


You can learn more about this multi-state collaboration for the 2023 America the Beautiful Challenge Grant at the recording of the kickoff webinar on March 17th. 

Do you have a proposal that has potential to be in coordination with other states? Contact the MAFWA Priority Leads by 3/24!  


Functional, connected grassland systems 

Tyler Harms, Iowa, Tyler.Harms@dnr.iowa.gov  

Lorisa Smith, Missouri, Lorisa.Smith@mdc.mo.gov  


Aquatic health and connectivity 

Leon Hinz, Illinois, Leon.Hinz@illinois.gov  

Alex Wright, USFWS, alexander_wright@fws.gov  


Interconnected and dynamic woodlands 

Brad Potter, USFWS 

Kate Parsons, USFWS, katherin_parsons@fws.gov